Let’s Get This Over With
We leave in exactly two weeks for Cincinnati and we now have a pretty sick little boy on our hands. Even though yesterday his symptoms weren't so bad, his pulmonologist decided to go up on all his nebs, start his antibiotic neb and have us do a trach culture. I was hoping we could wait till Monday to do the culture, mostly for selfish reasons because I have to drive the specimen to Minneapolis. Yesterday, his symptoms didn't seem to merit a two hour trip there and back, so I thought...
The little boy who was running around yesterday morning, barfing here and there, but happy as could be, has barely moved off the couch today and is currently on oxygen to help keep him comfortable.
Poor buddy.
I'm so glad we didn't wait to do a trach culture. The results take seventy-two hours so we are hoping to stay out of the hospital and come up with a plan on Monday. Or even better, Sam kicks this thing before then.
Okay, so let's pray he kicks whatever this is! He needs to be healthy before we go to Cincinnati. He will be put under two of the days we are there and if he doesn't clear his pre-op appointment, our trip to Cincinnati will be postponed. Nope, not happening.
Sam went for almost two whole months symptom free! That's pretty good for Sam in the winter! Let's get this over with, little buddy. You've got this!
I believe in the power of prayer. Even if you don't, if you would throw one out there for my sweet, little boy, we would greatly appreciate it.
As always...
...Sam Strong
...Faith Over Fear!
We want this guy back!