nonprofit for families navigating home life for children with tracheostomies
about S3Kit
equipping families for the transition home, one kit at a time

how S3Kit began
This is the story of a Midwest mama and how her boy's miraculous little life inspired a cause that would touch families all over the United States.
Eighty surgeries & procedures, a forty-day medically induced coma, and multiple cardiac arrests were never part of the plan when Jamie had her fourth child, Sam. By two months old and his third cardiac arrest, with over ten minutes of chest compressions to save his life, doctors discovered the hole in Sam's airway. After watching him die three times, cutting a hole in his neck to survive was not up for discussion. Sam's life-saving breathing tube was a blessing but also an overwhelming and isolating experience.
No one can prepare you for what it's like to watch your baby cry and hear no sound.
After an eight-hour class to learn how to keep their son alive with a trach, practicing on a doll, it was time to do it for real. Jamie and her husband will never forget the feeling of holding their son's life in their hands as they changed Sam's trach for the first time.
During that overwhelming stay, they received gift baskets from Fiona's Hope and Jack's Basket, full of comfort items and tools that helped ease the burden of staying at the hospital. These baskets said, "I have been in your shoes. You are not alone." Because of those gifts, they knew someone else had walked the same path and made it through.
These different but incredible organizations helped ease feelings of isolation and overwhelm during that stay. As their journey with Sam continued, Jamie recognized a need for families like theirs: a kit to help with the transition from hospital to home.
Bringing Sam home for the first time after over seven months with all his medical equipment was daunting. His room looked more like a hospital than a nursery, but there was no "code blue" at home. Several years later, those once-scary trach changes became routine, and the dream of helping families like hers took shape.
In March of 2020, Jamie began creating baskets she thought would be helpful. She wanted to give things that would be useful and give encouragement that doing hard things is possible. Today, Sam thrives, continuing to defy the odds and win hearts with his captivating personality, while Jamie serves as the founder and executive director of S3Kit, and CEO of all things Sam :)
Their story is shared by thousands of families across the country every year. S3Kit is on a mission to support and encourage as many of them as possible, one basket at a time.
read more of Sam’s story
What began as a way to update family and friends has slowly evolved into the website for S3Kit. Sam’s story is not over. We invite you to follow his journey by reading our blog or checking out Sam’s CaringBridge Page.
about our nonprofit
S3Kit is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit that equips caregivers who bring home their child with a lifesaving breathing tube (tracheostomy) by sending gift baskets with items tailored to their medical journey. These complimentary kits help ease families’ transition from hospital to home as they adjust to their new normal. S3Kit continues to grow and serve its mission by sending gift baskets, partnering with hospitals to help find more families in need, and encouraging parents that hard things are possible.
board of directors
executive team
Jamie Grant
Founder/Executive Director/Chair
Lynn Fields
Assistant Director
Annie Jarson
Vice Chair
Brandi Knoepfle
Jennifer Anderl
Becky Forrest
Brandon Walter
Carrie Herberg
Board Members
Kirsten Dale
Nicole Sanders
Stacey Broughton
“I’m a speech-language pathologist in Tallahassee, FL working with an 11-month-old who has a G-Tube, trach, and is on the vent. His family history is not a good story overall, and he’s currently in medical foster care. He’s being well taken care of in foster care. He’s begun to sprint from the vent and use a PMV. He will be celebrating his 1st birthday this weekend. I reached out to [S^3 Kit], and I just received one of [their] amazing baskets! I cannot wait to give it to him this Saturday! So much thought and effort was put into this basket. Thank you so much for what you do, your kind heart and desire to give back. Again, you are something special! Thank you, and God Bless you!”