Cincinnati Bound

It's official.

We will be going to Cincinnati Children’s in February. The first trip will be a series of back to back appointments and scopes. The team of doctors have gathered what they know about Sam's history from his doctors here. Once they gather the information from our first trip, the doctors will meet again and formulate a plan for Sam. We are hoping and praying some of the plan will be able to be carried out by our doctors here. Bottom line, let's hope they can figure out a way to get rid of Sam's trach (breathing tube), which would be a definite game changer for Sam and our family.

Since the referral process started back in August, I have been doing my homework figuring out how we will get Sam to Cincinnati. FAA has SO many regulations. And flying with a complex child gets you no free passes. If anything, it's the opposite. It's been an interesting and sometimes frustrating process with a few tears shed. Okay, more than a few. I was surprised by one particular phone call I made to the airline we are flying. It was a specific number to call if you are flying with a person who has disabilities. Seems like the right number to call, right? Let's just say, the person on the other end was not helpful and insinuated we fly first class. Yes, that was a call that ended in tears. Half the time, when I call places to ask questions, they have no idea what I'm talking about, which is not abnormal when it comes to Sam. The other day the gal who handles Sam from our insurance company told me, most of the things that have come up with Sam, we've never seen before so we've had to make it up as we go. Side note. Thank you Lord for insurance!

I've dived into ALL of the resources I can. I was able to connect with another mom whose daughter was trached and they traveled with her. She reassured me, there will be hiccups along the way and I will probably be sweating profusely by the time we board, but it sounds like I'm on the right track and asking the right questions. It felt good to talk to someone who's been there. The trach mama world can be an isolating feeling. Although I have some pretty amazing friends who might not "get it" and really don't try to, but are really good listeners.

The plane tickets are bought, the hotel is booked, and the car is rented!The rest will get figured out with a lot of help from Sam's respiratory therapist, nurses, and many others. So thankful for all the help!

Sam has been very healthy for the past month. Sean (my husband) would tell that's because he hadn't been in school. Maybe, but he LOVES school and until his docs tell us to pull him, I'll keep sending him. Praying Sam will stay healthy until Cincinnati and will get to stay in school.

Christine Pheneger

This article was written by Christine Pheneger, founder of Lake Design Co.

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Raising the Unexpected