
What we think was a stomach bug, hit Sam hard. He was miserable on the couch for five days. Stomach bugs do that to Sam. If it weren’t for his PICC line, he would have definitely had a hospital stay. We are thankful we were able to stay home.

As he regained strength, we were hopeful he would kick some of the symptoms still lagging. He has been mostly happy this week, but will not swallow, is continuously spitting, and retching a few times a day. All signs seem to point to a strictured esophagus. Sam has had sixty plus esophageal dilations and almost every one that wasn’t already scheduled was a phone call made by me and then a phone call from the surgery scheduler, who we are on a first name basis with, to schedule the procedure to stretch his little esophagus. I’ve been wrong. One time. And one might argue, I wasn’t completely wrong, there was a much bigger problem in that situation.

After many phone calls back and forth, we received one that gave me a sucker punch in the stomach. After Sam’s GI doctor and surgeon discussed things, they think it’s best for Sam to have the surgery that was discussed back in December. But, I thought we would only do that surgery if Sam’s feedings weren’t going well?! He had a stomach bug, not feeding intolerance! And now, we’re fairly positive he needs a dilation! Why are we jumping to the surgery!? Us, along with Sam’s home care nurses had a lot of questions.

All this being said, he has not been able to go back to school yet. Boo.

I felt icky. I don’t want him to have another major surgery. Why more pain and suffering for my sweet, innocent little boy? That afternoon, I felt scared. I felt anxious. I felt sad. I felt worried. I felt mad. I felt frustrated.

That evening, with my brain and my heart in a fog, I went through the motions. I made dinner, cleaned dinner up, started Sam’s TPN, did Sam’s nebs, gave him his evening meds, and drove to and from soccer. Most of these are things I enjoy doing. I appreciate I get these opportunities and am thankful for them. Things were weighing me down. It’s not fair he has to go through all this!

That night, I laid in bed and poured my heart to the Big Man Upstairs. I was reminded of some of His promises. He’s got this. His plans are better than mine. He is for Sam, not against him. The more I was reminded of these promises, the lighter I felt. Surprisingly, I slept very well that night.

We waited the entire day for the phone call to explain things more. I didn’t go through the motions. I wasn’t worried about the phone call that was coming. I felt peaceful. I felt calm. I felt grateful.

When the phone call did come later that afternoon, some of our questions were answered. They said Sam would be scheduled for a dilation (esophagus stretch) next week with his GI doctor and surgeon, and things that didn’t make sense, made more sense now. We are still unsure of some things, but will be able to ask more questions next week.

We were very thankful they were able to schedule the procedure for Monday morning. Prayers everything goes smoothly and more of our questions will be answered.

Without going into a lot of detail, prayers for x-rays Sam is having tomorrow morning on his hips. We feel it is something they are being overly cautious about, which isn’t a bad thing and don’t want to be wrong about our feelings.

These are only hurdles. Hurdles can be jumped over, kicked over, and tripped over, but we can still get back up a keep moving forward. And that is exactly what we will do.

Sam Strong

Faith Over Fear

Christine Pheneger

This article was written by Christine Pheneger, founder of Lake Design Co.

More Hurdles


High Hopes, Low Expectations