Starting Feeds

Besides his meds and water, Sam has not had anything in his stomach for over two months. I think it’s safe to say, his gut has had rest. We are going to introduce feeds into his g-tube (feeding tube) very soon. It will be a very, very small amount, and we will slowly add more as he tolerates it. We are nervous and excited.

Sam has otherwise been doing great! “Eating” through his bloodstream doesn’t seem to phase him much. He’s not in school yet, but he’s been able to go to occupational therapy and speech comes to our house once a week. He keeps himself busy organizing and being on his IPad more than he probably should be.

PICC line dressing changes are getting easier each week. He seems to fight less and knows the worst part is when his infusion nurse has to take off the old dressing. Getting his TPN (nutrition) started has become a part of our evening routine and it feels normal. I will be happy though when the PICC line is gone. It’s not the fastest process in the world and let’s face it, not normal.

Please pray Sam tolerates his feeds and he will not need the surgery his surgeon talked about before Christmas.

I hope you and your family had a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! I know I got my Christmas wish and very thankful for it.

Sam Strong

Faith Over Fear

Christine Pheneger

This article was written by Christine Pheneger, founder of Lake Design Co.

MN Neonatal Foundation


PICC Update