Miracles Still Happen
We went into Sam’s procedure with high hopes and low expectations. After what happened in Cincinnati, the odds of the surgery working were not in Sam’s favor. Here’s my analogy. Let’s say you get five sutures (stitches) in your airway. Within minutes of waking up after surgery, you start throwing up every fifteen minutes. The pressure from throwing up is most likely going break open all of the fresh sutures that were just placed. It makes sense that everyone had very low expectations, that few, if any sutures would stick.
When Sam’s ENT came to talk to us before the procedure, he told us he spoke with the ENT who did the surgery in Cincinnati and heard what happened. I told him, my hope and dream is that at least two sutures stuck. High hopes, low expectations. He responded, ”We’ll see.”
Feeling a little loopy from the Versed, and although more calm, still not excited for what's about to happen.
We’re getting close to seventy times I’ve had to watch my little boy get put under sedation. At this point, we have a pretty solid routine. We see all the staff who need to meet with Sam and I before surgery, they get vitals, we go over ALL his meds and records with the nurse for the umpteenth time, I make sure the right labs will be drawn so Sam doesn't have to get poked more, sign all the paperwork, make sure Sam gets Versed, keep snuggling my poor, very stressed out little boy, and then give him one last kiss before they roll him back to the OR. I take a deep breath, say a short prayer, and the nurse (or Sean, depending on who's with me) and I walk to the cafeteria to get something to eat.
We go back to the waiting room, eat, and depending the the procedure, wait. This time, I look at Sam's nurse and start praying. Let's note, I am not always good about praying before meals. "Lord, bless our food and I pray two of the sutures will stick. It would be really great if three of them stick. And if your having a really good day, please make all five of them stick." Sam's nurse responded, "Amen." We started eating our food.
I think I forgot Sam's previous procedures usually have two to three doctors doing something or a surgery that takes longer, because I had only two bites and Sam's doctor came into the room. He said, "Well...two of the sutures stuck. And actually, three of the sutures stuck. And actually, all five sutures are still in tact." Instant tears from me and Sam's nurse. I had the same feeling in my heart, mind, and soul on the day the doctors told me they were able to attach Sam's esophagus. Pure shock. An absolute true miracle. Thank you Jesus. Sam's ENT had already called the ENT in Cincinnati to let him know, and his response was, "Wow." Enough said.
He has no idea the greatest news we just got!!!!!
Sam always has to throw a curve ball somehow. We were cleared to leave at about 12:30pm. This would have been record timing for a procedure with Sam. We started packing things up and the nurse came into the room. "Sorry, I can't let you leave, his potassium is 8.3." What does that mean?! Apparently, that is heart attack level. If I'm being honest, I had zero worry. Sam. They checked it again right away. It did go down to 7.4, but that is still very high. Lab came to draw blood from his other arm. Even after being put under, it still took three of us to hold him still. Poor buddy. The nurse laughed at me when I put the call light on to show her the new results on my phone. "4.1", I told her, "We can leave, right!?" "Yes, let's get you guys out of here!", she said.
We have been waiting for this since Sam was two months old. He had the surgery done twice here and it failed, likely because of his retching.
We really needed a big win. Thank you Lord.
Now what?
This is the first MAJOR step in being able to remove Sam's trach (breathing tube). LIFE CHANGING. Sam still has A LOT to overcome, but this surgery is a HUGE win. He will have a swallow study and see his GI (gastroenterology), ENT, and pulmonology. And then hopefully, he can start feeding therapy!!!!!!
Thank you for your continued prayers. I truly believe they have brought Sam to where he is today.
Psalm 27:14 says, "Wait on the Lord; Be of good courage, And He shall strengthen your heart; Wait, I say, on the Lord!" I find so much peace in this. When I wait on Him, it's not a waste of time. It might be incredibly hard, but it's not a waste of time. The more I wait on Him and not me or others, the more He seems strengthen my heart.