The Medical Emergency

Okay, the suspense is finally over, partially anyway. I decided to tell each mishap separately. I thought it would be much more fun this way. Like I said, you seriously can’t make this stuff up and it makes for a good story...later anyway!

Don’t worry, the medical emergency was not Sam.

We set off to Florida very early in the morning. TSA Cares is a wonderful program and definitely makes going through security with a complex child a much more smooth process. I would highly recommend taking advantage of this service if you are traveling with a medically complex child.

All was going well. We had just got into the air. All of the sudden, I hear screams coming from the back of the plane. My instant thought, looking at Sam’s nurse, ”You're a nurse, you should go back there!”

Come to find out an older man had passed out. They were about to lay him on the floor and start chest compressions, but thankfully he came to. Sam’s pulse oximeter came in handy. We took it off Sam for a few minutes and Sam’s nurse was able to use it to check the ”patient’s” oxygen level and heart rate. His numbers showed he would hopefully be okay.

They turned the plane around to go back to Minneapolis. After we landed, the ambulance got the passenger, and who I assume was his wife, off the plane, we sat on the runway for a very long time. During all of this, we were not allowed to “move about the cabin”.

Sam did great on the almost six and a half hour flight we were not planning for. Like when we went to Cincinnati, he needed a little oxygen in the air. This VERY busy little boy surprised us for how well behaved he was. Thank you Lord for IPads!

Once we finally got there, got all of our luggage, and the rental car, we were all pretty hungry at this point, except for Sam, of course. After searching for a bit, we found a great place right on the ocean. We had some time, or so we thought. It was around 3:00 and check-in wasn’t until 4:00. We got our food and I began to get text messages from two different people about checking into our condo.

The message that took me by surprise, and the only message I remember is, ”The office closes at 5:00.” Say what?!?!

I knew we couldn’t check in until 4:00, but I had no idea we only had a one hour window! Uh oh! Everyone, eat fast because we have to go! Sam’s activeness didn’t leave much food in the bellies of Sean and I. Oh well, we gotta go!

We made to it our condo and that’s another story in and of itself. There was A LOT of confusion and a language barrier. We rented two different condo's with different owners. Thinking this had something to do with the confusion.

After things had mostly been figured out, I asked the about the packages I had delivered and where we could get them. The security officer, responded, "Sorry, the office closes at 5:00, you'll have to get them tomorrow." Um....yeah, that's not going to work. This isn't extra clothes I sent. My son needs the things in those boxes to live. I politely explained the packages were for my son who is medically complex and needs the supplies in the boxes in order to live. For real. Their eyebrows went up and all of the sudden, we were able to get the packages. Whew.

Once we finally got all of our luggage and Sam's medical supplies to our condo, we were all pretty tired and hungry, but weren't going to let that ocean wait another day for us! It might have been dark, but it was still beautiful!

To be continued...

Christine Pheneger

This article was written by Christine Pheneger, founder of Lake Design Co.

The Rental Car


Making Lemonade Out of a Lot of Lemons!!!