A Better Day
Sam is very sedated, but has had a pretty good day.
Thanks to Pain and Palliative, he’s been more comfortable and his pain is being managed.
When he does wake up a little, he’s really out of it, but okay, versus yesterday, if he was awake, he was crying or grimacing. Today there has been less crying, less grimacing, and less bumps of morphine. Progress.
His blood pressures have been consistently high the last week. Sam has a history of high blood pressure. Gee, I wonder why. He’s been off all of his blood pressure meds for two years. Because of his history, Nephrology put him back on a medicine for now.
He ended up with pneumonia a few days ago and yesterday, his x-rays showed a tiny pleural effusion. The increase in oxygen wasn’t enough so he ended up on a vent for extra support.
Today, they are trying feeds again, but at a much slower rate, three milliliters per hour.
Today, they will try to slowly wean him of the vent as his lungs look better on today’s x-rays.
Looks like we'll be here longer than anticipated, but as long as he gets better, and he will, that’s okay.
You know Sam, he likes to win as many hearts as he can. Even when he’s barely moving, this kid is still stealing hearts.
Slow and steady wins the race.
Sam Strong!
Faith Over Fear!