Best Christmas!

Well, I'm overwhelmed again and it's not because things aren't going well. Again, it's the opposite.

We were shocked and surprised when our friends showed up at our door the week before Christmas with I tried to ask what was going on and everyone just ignored me. Then, strangers started to follow with even more wrapped presents! The presents kept coming and everyone kept ignoring me! After the gifts were literally overflowing in our living room one of the strangers with the sweetest, kindest smile began to talk. I don't remember much of what she said. I remember hearing, We are here with the Vikings and the Best Christmas Ever and your friends nominated you...

I don't know if I was sobbing before or after that, I just know the tears were flowing off and on A LOT that night.

The sweet gal from the Vikings had our friend read what she wrote to nominate our family for the Best Christmas Ever. You know when the tears are falling so fast down your cheeks, you can barely catch the next one? Yeah, that was me during that little reading. I just kept thinking, we do not deserve all of this. Yeah, I still feel that way, especially after all we've been blessed with in the last few months.

We were given SO MUCH stuff, from a trip for our family to anywhere warm to Sesame Street pjs for Sam. Things we could easily do without, but those things put some pretty big, heart felt smiles on my kids faces. Okay, okay ours too. I got a KitchenAid mixer, something I've always wanted, but either couldn't or just didn't feel right about buying in the past.

We have been beyond blessed by our family, friends, and strangers the past three years, but this year has been over the top.

Honestly, I'm still in shock and it all feels so undeserving. I get a lump in my throat each time I think about the whole thing. Why us?

I guess I tell myself it wasn't for me, or Sean, or Sam. The Best Christmas Ever was for Ryan, Will, and Abby. You see, when you have a complex child, everything revolves around that child. If you haven't seen the movie Wonder, I would highly recommend it. The way it depicts each member of the family with a complex child is spot on. The sister of the boy who is medically complex in the movie says, "August is the Sun. Me and Mom and Dad are the planets orbiting the Sun." Although she deeply loves her brother, she feels left out sometimes. I could write a book about the mom guilt feelings I have with my other three kids since Sam has been born.

It really is incredible what can happen when people use their pain to help others. Click here to learn more about the Best Christmas Ever and read the story about this amazing dad who decided to pay it forward year after year to families who have been dealt a tough hand at no fault of their own. We were blessed this Christmas because one person tried. And we weren't the only ones blessed, all that partook were uplifted. We can't thank all involved enough. Sometimes, thank you doesn't do justice. At the end of the day, it's my hope, my kids will see His work in all of this.

Christine Pheneger

This article was written by Christine Pheneger, founder of Lake Design Co.

Raising the Unexpected

