Well, it's been a bit since my last post. If you can imagine, life gets a little busy juggling a complex child and three other kids. Not too long ago, someone bought me a journal. The cover reads, "There are no ordinary days." So true, for all of us, really. Although, if I'm being completely honest, I can think of countless ordinary days before Sam. When I talk about my ordinary days to my close people, they would tell you my days are not so ordinary. I'm okay with that. We usually laugh and I say, "You can't make this stuff up!" Laughter, for sure, is the best medicine. Thank you to my besties for listening about my not so ordinary days. I couldn't do this journey without you.
We did end up having to spend Sam's anniversary in the hospital, but thankfully we did not get admitted. It couldn't have been more than an hour after I posted my last post, we were instructed to take Sam in. Bummer. He was a pretty sick little guy. Poor buddy. Although, it was the fastest trip to the Children's ER we've ever had. Like any of our ER visits, they did blood work, a trach culture, and x-rays. Round trip, it was only five hours. That's record time! The nurse in the ER congratulated Sam on his anniversary. We all laughed, agreeing he had to pay a visit to his alma mater for his anniversary. Laughter, the best medicine.
Okay, so how many of you Googled that one? Pseudomonas? It is the type of infection or type of tracheitis Sam had growing on his trach culture. It's not the first time Sam's had it. It's a scary one and we do everything on our part to keep it away from Sam, but unfortunately there's only so much we can do. It's not something us normal people have to worry about. You'd have to have an artificial airway, like Sam, or an open burn wound, or be in a hospital hooked up to a bunch of stuff. Thankfully, we were able to treat it this time and once we knew what it was, we were able to treat it quickly.
I'd like to say things have been going really well for Sam since then. Let's just say, we've had an eventful February. Sam's has some GI stuff going on. Pray we can get it figured out and get him back on track, or at least back on "his" track.
There's no doubt, this kid keeps all of us on our toes!
Sam's been walking since November and I've been meaning to post a video since then. Here it finally is! Click here to see Sam walk!
Sam strong!