Sam Update
I recently realized I hadn't given an update on all Sam's procedures done at the beginning of June. No news is good news, right?! Pretty much...
As we suspected, Sam's MRI was mostly normal. We have nothing to worry about. His pediatrician was a little worried about his head size only being in the less than one percentile. I wasn't worried, his head fits his tiny body. The MRI only proved that.
All of Sam's biopsies came back negative. Yay! They did find some gastric tissue in his esophagus, but that isn't anything they are worried about. It most likely happened at the anastomosis, or in layman's terms, when they connected his esophagus to his stomach way back when.
Both Sam's GI surgeon and GI doctor were stumped on what was going on with him. It didn't seem right dilating Sam would solve the retching issues for a little while. His GI doctor suggested Sam might have Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome as it seemed to be the only thing that would make sense at this point. It still doesn't make sense why dilating his esophagus would seem to solve the problem the last few times, but for whatever reason it did. Bottom line, his GI surgeon knew that didn't sit right with him so he consulted Sam's GI doctor. Everyone is doing what they can, when they can. Trust me, I know they lose sleep over Sam.
After the day of unsolved mysteries, they decided to do two things. They started him on a new med that would treat the Cyclic Vomiting Syndrome, and also put in an order to do testing while he's having the obnoxious episodes of retching. We are way past the time he would have terrible days of non-stop retching so the new med seems to have solved the problem. This time, like so many others, goes to show what happens when doctors collaborate. We are so blessed to have the care team Sam has.
Sam has been doing awesome. Now, knock on wood. His GI surgeon and ENT surgeon talked and decided they are very happy Sam is doing so well, but they would both like to see him do really well for two to four months before we talk about scheduling his next big surgery. That means Sam has to stay healthy along with very little retching episodes until the end of August. So far, so good.
We've never gone longer than a month without something going wrong with Sam. It's been over two months since Sam's had any issues! It's kind of a weird feeling. There's a part of me sitting on edge waiting for the next thing. And the other part is rejoicing and hoping/praying this will continue. Pray it does!
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